Contractor activities

Construction activity request

Construction activity requests can be used for the following:

Airside Construction activity request

  • Prior to submission of airside activity request, all contractors must read the Airside Activity Program and complete AAP e-learning
  • Effective March 11, 2022 airside activity request will not be granted without a valid AAP e-learning certificate
  • Shutdown submission schedule:
    • 3 business days plus 2 weeks for Gate/Stand closures
    • 5 business days for Runway closures
    • 3 business days for Taxiway closures
  • Airside Activity Request Form 
  • For activity request submissions and any related questions please send to:

Terminal Construction activity request

  • Terminal work permit – Submit your request at least 5 days before the activity (CBSA approval requires an additional seven days). Send any questions to

Groundside Construction activity request

Construction Activity Request Form (must be completed in Google Chrome)

Surface penetrations

For projects that require coring, drilling, chipping or cutting of floors, walls or other surfaces, contractors must:

  1. Follow the Surface Penetration Guidelines 2024, which outline safe, responsible, and consistent procedures to help you plan and execute construction activities that require the penetration of floor and/or wall surfaces, such as coring, drilling, chipping and cutting.
  2. Complete the Surface Penetration Checklist & Sign-off Form 2024 and attach all supporting reports and documentation signed by all applicable parties, before starting any surface penetration activities.

Working near the automated people mover

Contractors working near the Terminal Link Train (also referred to as the automated people mover or APM) are required to follow safety protocols outlined in the Working Near the Automated People Mover document (PDF, 4.7 MB). This guide identifies critical safety procedures, hazardous zones surrounding the APM system and dangers associated with working near the APM.

Contractor hot work activities

A Hot Work Fire Safety Permit (HWFSP) is required for any activities that involve open flames or produce heat and/or sparks, like welding, soldering or brazing. Our hot work safety process requires that the contractor with an FAP for a project takes full responsibility for all risks associated with all hot work activities carried out under the project scope of work, including those done by a sub-contractor.

Each HWFSP issued by the contractor must have an expiry date that cannot exceed 30 days from the date of issue, at which time the HWFSP shall be reviewed and reissued as required.

In issuing HWFSPs, the contractor must understand, incorporate and maintain all applicable mitigating fire safety measures, as detailed in his Project Specific Safety Plan (PSSP), which forms part of the conditions for the FAP issued to the contractor for his project.

Hot work checklist

Complete, sign and post the Hot Work Permits Checklist & Airport Conditions 2024 near the immediate location of any hot work activities.

Site checks

Our Fire Prevention and/or the Construction Compliance and Permits Office representatives conduct random site checks to ensure that the hot work fire safety process is implemented for all project activities involving open flames or producing heat and/or sparks.

Airport Construction Code

For more information about the hot work safety process, read Article of theAirport Construction Code 2024.


Email the Construction Compliance & Permits Office at