Countering illegal roadside parking at Pearson

Getting the timing right can be tricky when picking up friends or relatives from the airport. That’s why Toronto Pearson offers drivers several cost-free options for quick stays, including two Cellphone Waiting Areas.

A minority of drivers choose to wait at the side of the busy roads leading to the airport instead. This is dangerous and illegal, and it creates congestion that delays passengers. For the safety of all airport users, we have been using camera technology to enforce these no-parking zones since 2018.

Why are drivers getting payment notices in the mail?

The safety of all airport users is our top priority – and that extends to the approach roads to the terminals. To deter drivers from parking on the roadside, we charge violators an $85 fee. Indigo, our parking management partner, uses smart cameras to log the vehicle’s licence plate and then sends a payment notice to the registered owner by mail.

Do you warn drivers you’re doing this?

Yes. We have posted warning signs in problem areas. We also use highly visible mobile electronic displays to advise drivers of the fee for illegal parking.

Why don’t you send out officers to ticket violators there and then?

In rare cases we will dispatch members of our security team. But the roads to the airport are busy and they must exercise caution when working there. We use camera technology to ensure everyone’s safety.

Where can drivers park for free when picking up or dropping off? 

We have several options. We have two Cellphone Waiting Areas where drivers can relax in their vehicles for up to 45 minutes while they wait for the arriving passengers to call – and they can then be curbside at the terminal in minutes.

For people who want to leave their vehicle to greet or wave goodbye to passengers, we offer 18 minutes of free parking in our covered garages with an Express Pass.

Drivers can also avoid the crowds at the terminals by using our Viscount Station Kiss and Fly, which is connected to the airport by a Link Train running every seven minutes around the clock.

How can drivers dispute a charge if they think there has been a mistake?

We make it easy for drivers to query payment notices, with a dedicated helpline (1-866-870-9113) and email address (

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