Supplier introduction

To achieve our strategic goals, our intent is to conduct business with suppliers who are aligned with our core values of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), who actively engage in sustainable practices, and who are advancing innovation and continuous improvement while demonstrating excellence in service and performance.

To this end, GTAA has embarked on new programs as part of our evolving procurement methodologies, including:

  • Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Program: A key component to business success is a robust supplier relationship management program that helps ensure a win for both sides in all our business relationships. This program launched in 2019 and is the discipline of working collaboratively to become the customer of choice to those suppliers who are vital to the success of the GTAA.
  • Sustainable Procurement Program: Launched in 2021, this program comprises of our Social (DEI), Environmental and Economic objectives that directly supports Supplier Diversity and provides economic benefits to the local communities we serve. This program also supports our environmental commitment to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions (scope 1 & 2) and Net Zero waste from our terminals by the year 2050.
  • Agile initiatives, including our Vendor of Record pre-qualification program that launched in 2022.

We appreciate the complexity of working in an airport and launched this website to help you support us on the journey.

Contact info

Roshni Ranjan, Interim Director, Strategic Sourcing